We have another Where it started, how it’s going. This time it’s in the form of a chat that we had online as my guest has an incredibly hectic job, and she’s shy and didn’t want to be recorded :P.
Anyway, Nuha is another of my previous learners who completed her Digital Marketer level 3 back in the day. Nuha has now transitioned over to a different discipline, similar to another of my learners, Abi, a degree apprenticeship in data which she is currently studying. Nuha was kind enough to sit down and give me some feedback on some key questions that I’ve been asking my ex-apprentices. I hope you find it useful.
Where did you come from prior to starting your apprenticeship in Digital Marketing? IE school, college, etc.
Before going into my Digital Marketing apprenticeship, I was in sixth form undertaking A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths. Vastly different to digital marketing, I know! I guess I took those options because they would be good if I wanted to go into a pharmacy degree at university, but I knew I wasn’t set on that option.
In fact, when the time came to write personal statements and worrying about UCAS points, I had my mind set on doing an apprenticeship. I had come to realise I wasn’t fond of the education system set-up – everything was mostly theory, and exams were largely a memorisation game.
I’m of the opinion that everybody is clever in their own way, where some are good at memorising content, and others are more hands-on, practical learners.
What was the main driver for doing the Digital Marketer apprenticeship?
I always had an interest in marketing in general, and I still geek out over cool marketing campaigns. I like spotting product placement in film and TV, and watching TikTok skit-style ads, clever wordplay and banner designs. But it was digital marketing that called out to me specifically because it’s data-driven marketing. You get to target specific demographics, track insights, A/B test, and see what works and what doesn’t. You can observe the impact you have.
I wanted a role where I could have a real impact on a business. Digital marketing is that: driving traffic and sales.
(Add on top that a DM apprenticeship came with a free qualification and salary, and it was a no-brainer. )
Once you completed the DM apprenticeship, what was your plan or what options did you have open to you?
I had the option to continue in my role as Content Administrator – working on designing promotional content for site banners and emails, A/B testing email campaigns, and updating products on the e-commerce site. However, I felt as though I had learned everything there was to learn and contributed as much to the company as possible – and there wasn’t much correlation between the competencies of a higher apprenticeship and my role. Hence, once my apprenticeship came to an end, I sought to further my education to a university equivalent standard in a fresh role.
How did you come to start the degree apprenticeship in data, what were the drivers behind pivot?
It was during my time on my apprenticeship that I came to realise how much I liked the data and analysis aspects of digital marketing. Understanding the numbers and investigating the factors behind them intrigued me. My manager at the time always supported me in my learning, and upon seeing my interest in data, would give me more tasks related to this so I could gain more experience. I planned to use this to further my education in data analysis – which triggered my search for data analytics apprenticeships.
What challenges have you faced moving into something very data focused, did Digital Marketer level 3 prime you for the sorts of things you do now?
DM contained a number of competencies that taught me essential skills for my new role. The course contained competencies on data (review, monitor and analyse online activity and provide recommendations and insights to others) and analysis (understand and create basic analytical dashboards), which transferred wholly.
Not only this but the competencies in written communication, customer service (internal/external) and problem solving are vital to any role.
My main challenge was that digital marketing isn’t necessarily very tech-heavy, compared to data analytics. I had to learn SQL, a language used to communicate and retrieve data from a database, as well as become familiar with a number of different software used for analysis in my new organisation. Thanks to a supportive team and access to online resources, I have developed this knowledge to a competent standard.
Where do you work now and what does your job entail in comparison to your previous marketing role?
I work now as a Junior Data Analyst in the Data Science team at Kantar Profiles: a leading data, insights and consulting company. As Profiles is a survey company, a lot of my tasks are focused on survey performance and investigating low completion rates. I also work to ensure panellists are matched to surveys that correlate with their demographic profiles. Doing so requires querying the team’s database using various complex dashboards.
What’s the plan after you complete your DAL6?
I’m contemplating pushing for a Level 7 in data. However, I still have two years left to go on my Level 6 so for all I know, I may completely disregard that idea when the time comes!
I think I’d like to settle into a small company and build a reputation in digital marketing and data analysis. I like that it’s possible to wear many hats in a small business and gain knowledge and skills in a wide range of areas.
Another fantastic story for apprenticeships
I think that Nuha’s story so far shows how valuable apprenticeships can be for people starting their career journeys. What started with digital marketing has now turned into a passion for data and who knows where that will lead for her. I think it reaffirms the idea that apprenticeships are a great springboard and a stepping stone toward other things. You don’t just have to stay straight and narrow, especially with marketing, as there are so many additional progression routes open to you. One of my other learners, Abi went into a design degree apprenticeship and Nuha has gone into a data degree apprenticeship. Either way, Nuha’s career trajectory is clearly still on the up and we wish her the best for the future :D.
For some additional reading, Nuha wrote an awesome article for us on the benefits of apprenticeships for young Muslims which can be seen here.
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