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How to shine when applying for apprenticeships using find an apprenticeship

Sick of being rejected or hearing nothing back when applying for apprenticeships? Here’s a quick guide to help improve your chances.

Right. We’ve all been there. You’re on a job search and you’re applying for anything and everything and just praying that there is a one-click application button. However, if you’re applying for apprenticeships using the “find an apprenticeship” portal, you have a little bit more work than that to do. As a company, when we advertise roles on this portal we will regularly review our applicants. The process goes a little like this:

  1. Check the applicant lives within an acceptable distance from the role;
  2. Check all of the fields are complete and to an acceptable standard;
  3. Read the application details and assess whether it is valid for the role;
  4. Contact the learner if all of the above meets our level of quality requirements.

The first two points are incredibly important. There aren’t many stages involved in our process, so if you don’t pass those first two, you’ll be immediately unsuccessful.

In this short guide, we wanted to talk about the application process and how to complete applications effectively so that you improve your chances of getting calls/emails from recruiters working at training providers. During the application process, you’ll see the following sections:


About you

What are your main strengths?

Don’t worry about writing too much here. It’s a tough question. However, write a couple of sentences around general skills or specific strengths you feel are relevant to the type of role or apprenticeship you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing apprenticeship, talk about skills or strengths in things like design, communications, or interest in data. 

What skills would you like to improve during this apprenticeship?

Again, ensure this is geared towards the apprenticeship you’re applying for. If you go off and discuss how you want to be an F1 driver for a marketing apprenticeship application, you’re likely not going to get far. (Yes, that has happened). I would recommend having a quick think about the sorts of skills or areas that the job advertisement requires and talk about how you’d like to develop in similar areas. If you’re interested in a certain type of apprenticeship, you can actually read about the KSBs for that apprenticeship standard here. Use them to help you write answers for this section.

What are your hobbies and interests?

To be honest, this is the least important section. But, feel free to use this to give readers a little more detail about you as a person. Don’t just leave it blank.

Education section

Be sure to complete these sections and input all of the grades that you’ve achieved from school, college, or university, etc. Leaving this blank is a sure sign that you likely won’t get contacted. Be sure to check the GCSE requirements if there are any in the ad. Some providers will only accept candidates with English and maths at grade C/4 and above for example. Have any certificates ready to send over to a recruiter if they ask for them.

Work experience

Fill in whatever you can here. If you’ve not had any previous work experience, that’s absolutely fine.

General tips for filling out your applications

  • Be sure to dedicate some time to filling each application out on an individual basis. Try to refer to elements of the advertised job as it shows you’re trying and investing time into being successful. If you can’t be bothered, why will the training prover?;
  • Make sure each section is complete to the best of your ability;
  • CHECK THE JOB LOCATION. Please, please, please make sure that the role is within 1 hour of travel from your home. If it’s an in-office role, you’re going to need to travel each day potentially. So, be honest with yourself as to whether you’re going to actually be able to travel to the workplace. We’d usually only consider candidates that are withing 45 minutes of a location;
  • Have your CV ready for when you’re contacted by recruiters. We usually follow up with emails to get copies of applicant’s CVs. Be sure to have one ready to send over.

Other than that, you should be fine. It’s a numbers game at the end of the day, so keep at it and you’ll eventually get there.

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