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Read these 5 marketing books now!

Looking to learn more about marketing but don’t want to spend thousands to do so. Check out these 5 amazing marketing reads and start building towards becoming a master in marketing.

Reading has become a bit of a lost art

Books offer an affordable, flexible, and diverse source of knowledge, allowing individuals to explore subjects at their own pace and according to their unique interests. Reading cultivates critical thinking, fosters continuous learning, and nurtures creativity.

Additionally, with the vast array of books available, readers can access expert insights and diverse perspectives that might be overlooked in formal education settings. This approach not only empowers you to tailor your learning experiences but also enhances your ability to adapt to an ever-changing world.

So, this being said, here are 5 books that you NEED to read ASAP which will help you to get started in the field of marketing.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

This book delves into the psychological mechanisms that drive people to agree and outlines strategies for effectively influencing others. He applies these insights specifically to a business context, bolstering his theories with compelling case studies. Cialdini’s engaging and informative writing style makes this book particularly appealing to those fascinated by the psychology of persuasion. Buy your copy here

1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd

The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, and Stand Out From the Crowd

This book helps to simplify marketing strategies and make them less intimidating whilst discussing what you really need to think about. Maverick marketer Allan Dib challenges the use of big business marketing tactics by small and medium enterprises. With a track record of starting, growing, and successfully exiting multiple ventures across diverse industries, Dib provides a proven alternative. By following his concise one-page marketing plan, small businesses can develop an effective and actionable marketing strategy, allowing them to begin implementation right away. You can buy your copy here.

Epic Content Marketing, Second Edition

Epic Content Marketing, Second Edition

First published in 2013 by Joe Pulizzi, Epic Content Marketing was a bestseller that introduced hundreds of thousands to content marketing and SEO writing. Ideal for entry-level marketers, this book offers a solid foundation in content marketing, making it a must-read for those aspiring to help small businesses or startups acquire customers through effective content strategies. Ultimately, it provides essential knowledge to build upon. There is now a second edition available with updated content. Buy a copy here.

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Building a StoryBrand

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller is an engaging marketing book that’s hard to put down. Miller’s book centres on a seven-step storytelling framework, providing clear examples and demonstrating the crucial role of storytelling in brand marketing. It’s an essential read for any marketer. Get a copy here

Principles of Marketing, Global Edition

Principles of Marketing, Global Edition

One of the books on every marketing student’s reading list is the Principles of Marketing. This book forms the spine of pretty much every marketing degree in the land and if you want to save yourself a hell of a lot of money, simply read this book and then build out from there. It’s a thick academic work and takes some effort to read at times. However, it’ll give you everything you need to understand marketing from a 10-foot view, not just from a communications standpoint. Get a copy here.

Wrapping up

There we go. Five books that you should read if you’re starting a career in marketing. Personally, I consider these books as essential reading and I’ve learned a hell of a lot from reading them myself.

However, there are hundreds upon thousands of other noteworthy books out there, and, as Marketers, we should never forget to use reading as an effective form of continual professional development. So, if you have some spare cash and you’re looking for a way to develop at your own speed, head out and get yourself a copy of one of them and get started today.

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