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😳 P*!s poor planning results in poor performance 😑 – A guide to interview preparation

As the saying goes, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Marketing apprenticeship interviews are no different. So, check out this quick guide. 💪🏽

Someone flexing. Ready for their marketing apprenticeship interview

🔎Prep is key🔍

Researching a company before an interview is crucial for anyone entering the marketing field, even if you’re looking to start an apprenticeship. Prep can make the difference between landing the job and facing rejection. Here’s how you can effectively research a company before your marketing apprenticeship interview:

Read and re-read the job description

Read the job description thoroughly. It provides insights into:

  • Working hours and location – This can indicate the company’s flexibility regarding remote work and personal commitments;
  • Salary and progression – Look for salary ranges and progression opportunities. This can tell you how the company values growth and development;
  • Responsibilities – Understand the day-to-day tasks and see how your skills match. Identify areas where you may need to upskill;
  • Reporting structure – Learn who you will be reporting to, which can give clues about the company’s size and hierarchy;
  • Talk to your recruiter – When in doubt, email the recruiter at your training provider.

Understand the company’s values and ethos

A company’s values and ethos reflect its core beliefs and principles, such as being environmentally conscious, customer-centric, or innovative. These values are often highlighted on the company’s website, especially in the ‘About Us’ section. Spend time understanding these values and think about how they align with your own beliefs and career aspirations.

Explore the company website

The company website is a goldmine of information. Look at their products or services, read about their market position, and understand their branding and communication style. This helps you gauge how they want to be perceived by their audience.

Check company reviews

Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Trustpilot offer reviews from current and former employees. These reviews provide insights into the company culture, compensation, work-life balance, and career opportunities. They can also highlight any red flags you should be aware of.

Investigate their social media presence

A company’s social media profiles can tell you a lot about their brand and how they interact with their audience. Check platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to see their latest posts, engagement levels, and overall online presence.

Network and ask around

If you know someone who works or has worked at the company, ask for their insights. First-hand experiences can provide valuable information that you won’t find online.

Google for news

Search for recent news articles about the company. This can help you stay informed about any significant developments or issues the company might be facing.

Wrapping up

Researching a company before your interview not only prepares you for the questions you’ll face but also ensures the company is the right fit for you. It demonstrates to the interviewer that you’re serious about the role and have done your homework, setting you apart from other candidates.

For those looking to break into marketing, doing thorough research is essential. Equip yourself with knowledge about the company, and you’ll be able to have a meaningful conversation during your interview, showing how you can contribute to their success.

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Someone looking surprised at apprenticeship incentives

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